Windows Vista Looses Internet Connection

I've been having a problem with my Windows Vista Internet Connection which suddenly went off without an apparent reason.

In this forum I found out I was not the only one and that there is a cure for this illness. This is for those that, like me, cannot completely retire Windows Vista in favor of a better OS like Linux (long live Ubuntu).

GPS Routes - La Pedriza - Collado del Cabrón (Spain)

La Pedriza - Collado del Cabrón

Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

GPS Routes - La Pedriza (Spain)

La Pedriza

Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

Actuate Reports Batch Build

Have you ever felt the need to build an amount of reports and didn't want to build each one by hand? ERDPro allows you to build your reports from the command line. This batch process builds all your reports in a specified folder and its subfolders.
@set ERDPRO_HOME=C:\Program Files\Actuate7\ErdPro
@set TEMP_FOLDER=c:\temp\actuate

@mkdir %TEMP_FOLDER%

FOR /R %COMPILE_FOLDER% %%I IN (*.rod) DO "%ERDPRO_EXEC%" -b "%%I" -f %TEMP_FOLDER%\%%~nI.log
For each rod file found an ERDPro will be opened, the rod will be compiled an then the ERDPro will be closed. If a library is missing the process will stop on the report opening screen for that information.

I imagine that this process will work with Actuate 8 (Maximo 6) but have not yet tried it.

Changing Maximo's DB password

When changing Maximo's database password there are 4 files where you must modify with the new password. The files are:
  • located at [ACTUATE_HOME]\iServer\bin\com\actuate\ExternalText
  • located at [MAXIMO_HOME]\applications\activeportal\WEB-INF\classes\com\actuate\ExternalText
If you fail to update one of this files you'll either be unable to start Maximo or unable to run Actuate reports where you'll receive the most infamous Assert statement failed error.

GPS Routes - Hoyo de San Blas

Hoyo de San Blas (Spain)

Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

Prevent Doclinks folder from listing

If you're using WebSphere as the application server for your Maximo 6, after configuring Doclinks in Maximo you may notice that you can access the listing of your Doclinks folder if you fetch just the URL of the server. This happens when using Apache (IBM HTTP Server) as web server.

This directory listing is part of Apache standard functionality and you can prevent it by using the IndexIgnore directive in the httpd.conf configuration file.

To block all listings use the following statement:
IndexIgnore *
This way you tell Apache not to list any folders.

For more information on this directive refer to the Apache documentation available in the apache web site