After applying a 6.2.1 hotfix dated later than Sept 6, 2007, is it possible to display a count of the number of records selected for status change in the change status dialog box?
More information on the IBM Website.
The Migration Manager enables you to migrate configuration content from one production environment to another. The typical use is to migrate configuration content from a development environment to a test environment and then on to production for the Tivoli® process automation engine and its applications, such as IBM® Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database (CCMDB) and IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager®. The goal of migration is to ensure that your production environment fully meets the needs of your users.
This IBM Redbooks® publication covers the most common migration use cases with the Migration Manager. Of course, these use cases are only a small subset of the possible migration scenarios that can be performed by the Migration Manager, but they were chosen to be representative of the capabilities of the Migration Manager.
More information on the IBM edbooks site.
This IBM Redbooks® publication covers the most common migration use cases with the Migration Manager. Of course, these use cases are only a small subset of the possible migration scenarios that can be performed by the Migration Manager, but they were chosen to be representative of the capabilities of the Migration Manager.
More information on the IBM edbooks site.
Is there a purpose for the Duration field in Job Plans on the PM generation process?
Check out the answer at the IBM Support Portal web site.
Is there a purpose for the Duration field in Job Plans on the PM generation process?
Check out the answer at the IBM Support Portal web site.
You use Web Services in order to create Incidents and Service Requests. Tickets are correctly created and fields are correctly filled, except for the attribute CLASSIFICATION, that isn't resolved. The same issue occurs on the field SOURCE.
29 Mar 2011 08:00 : Maintec 2011 - get on top of key developments in maintenance management
at 19:00easyFairs® MAINTEC 2011 gives industry professionals an efficient and highly effective opportunity to meet face-to-face with the sector’s most innovative people in one time efficient visit.From:
These posts are being created here for "compatibility" reasons. This blog is now primarily hosted at Wordpress. Here I usually update all posts.
19 Jan 2011 10:00 : Maximo Wednesday Webinar : Performance and scalability & WebSphere expert presentation with Q&A
at 18:58Maximo Wednesday Webinar : Performance and scalability & WebSphere expert presentation with Q&A (Tips & Tricks) Join us for a Webinar on January 19 ( From:
These posts are being created here for "compatibility" reasons. This blog is now primarily hosted at Wordpress. Here I usually update all posts.